The more sexist, racist, bigoted and discriminatory things Donald Trump says, the more his poll numbers go up—and the more he resonates with the republican electorate. This tells you about the level of sexism, racism, bigotry and discrimination present within the Republican Party and voting electorate.
Donald Trump however, is simply the sexist, racist, bigoted and discriminatory chicken that has come home to the Republican Party too roost. The Republican Party and its Public Relations firm Fox News, have no clue what to do—they should because Donald Trump (is) and embodies Fox News and the Republican Party.
Simply stated, Jeb Bush’s last name is Bush. Jeb Bush believes his brother George W. Bush kept America safe—and many of his economic and foreign policy ideas and beliefs are similar to his brothers. Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio, believes that a woman or girl who is rapped should be forced to have the rapists or pedophiles baby. Marco Rubio on rape and abortion.
Former Vice-Presidential candidate and current Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, played the race game by blaming inner city poverty on lazy black men, while quoting Charles Murray, a man who believes African-Americans are intellectually inferior and lazy. Paul Ryan and Charles Murray.
Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul, who on national TV voiced opposition to Title II of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Title II of the 1964 Civil Rights Act is what ended Jim Crow segregation in America. Rand Paul opposing Title II of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Rand Paul also wrote a letter to his home town newspaper in opposition to the 1968 Fair Housing Act.
Article with full letter about Rand Paul's opposition to the 1968 Fair Housing Act
“A free society will abide unofficial, private discrimination - even when that means allowing hate-filled groups to exclude people based on the color of their skin.”—Rand Paul
Mitt Romney the last presidential standard bearer for the Republican Party is a well respected leader in the Mormon Church, a religion which is one of the leading religions that stress family values while being opposed to same-sex marriage and the LGBTQ community. Ironic since the founding father of the mythical Mormon religion Joseph Smith Jr. and the “Moses” of the Mormon Church Brigham Young, had over eighty wives between the two of them, with a number of the wives already being married to other men when they married them—and as no surprise, a number of these wives included teenage girls. A fine example of family values, hypocrisy, and pedophilia. Wives of Joseph Smith Jr. --Wives of Brigham Young.
Republican presidential candidate John Kasich, who as governor of Ohio has signed legislation which attempts to destroy Planned Parenthood. Kasich has signed legislation interfering with women’s right to control their reproductive decisions and rights. Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood on John Kasich's attack on women's reproductive rights in Ohio. Kasich has also been the poster child for attacking the collective bargaining rights of unions and has shown disdain and disrespect for the teachers of Ohio.
During the government shutdown in 2013 former Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin and current presidential candidate Ted Cruz, spoke before a crowd of protesters at the World War II Memorial in Washington D.C. These protesters and speakers engaged in speech that was disrespectful and showed disdain for President Obama—and among other things flew and displayed the Confederate flag.
Jewish-Americans, African-Americans, Hispanic/Latino-Americans and other minorities fought, were wounded, disabled and died during World War II defending America. Given the meaning and symbolism of the Confederate flag, flying it at the World War II Memorial was a act of degradation—and a supreme insult to not only the soldiers of Jewish, African-American and Hispanic/Latino ethnicity etc., but all soldiers who defended America during World War II .
The Confederate flag is a symbol of pride and heritage to many people in the republican electorate (especially the south). However, what the Confederate flag is—is a flag of treason, sedition, racism, bigotry and slavery—and anyone honoring it embodies treason, sedition, racism, bigotry and slavery.
Protest and Confederate flag at World War II Memorial
“Protesters directed anger at President Barack Obama. When a large Navy helicopter flew overhead that resembled the one that frequently ferries the president, a chorus of boos broke out from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. In front of the White House, several hundred veterans chanted anti-Obama slogans. A large cheer went up when several veterans held up a large “Impeach Obama” banner along the fence in front of the White House. Some waved Confederate flags.’
The Republican Party is infested with members who hijacked the real Tea Party of Ron Paul with the help of Dick Armey, Glen Beck and others, with Fox News serving as the public relation firm. These entities hijacked the original Tea Party of Ron Paul and morphed it into a racist and bigoted tea bag party that was only formed out of a racist and visceral reaction in 2009 and 2010 to the election of an African-American (really bi-ethnic) President of the United States, named Barack Obama.
They are called the tea bag party (no capitalization by me) because they have nothing in common with the founding fathers and the original “Sons of Liberty” protesters who destroyed an entire shipment of tea sent by the East India Company, in defiance of the British Governments “Tea Act”—The patriots boarded ships and threw the crates of tea into Boston Harbor, ruining the tea. The tea bag party has consistently demeaned, demonized and used derogatory language to characterize President Obama. The “Sons of Liberty’ who threw entire crates of tea into the Boston Harbor in protest have nothing in common with a singular motivated (disdain and hatred for President Obama) political group that is comparable to a single tea bag or tea bag party.
The one saving grace in the 2016 presidential campaign is that the Democratic Party has the most experienced, qualified, rational and inclusive presidential candidates. This 2016 election is about the social, cultural, political and future direction of America. All of the Republican presidential candidates are socially and culturally flawed. America I believe will be focused and engaged.
Voter registration and getting out the vote is the key in the 2016 election. America can make history for the second time—America has elected the first president of African ancestry. Now America I believe will elect the first female or Jewish president named Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders, either of which is a far better choice that any republican candidate in 2016.
The Republican Party is: anti-immigration, anti-same-sex marriage, anti-marriage equality, anti-LGBTQ, engages in wide spread voter suppression and repression. The Republican Party is sexist, anti-abortion, opposed to women having control over their reproductive choices like contraceptives, anti-equal pay for women, anti-protection and equality for women in the workplace, anti-union, anti-poor and middle-class, opposed to raising the minimum wage to a fair living wage, anti-climate control, anti-gun control, anti-renewal of the formula for the 1964 Civil Rights Act etc etc.etc...
I have mentioned the following in previous diaries and Hillary Clinton has stated that Americans do better under democratic leadership. The United States Median Household Income in 2013 rose to $ 53,046. What is interesting, revealing, and startling, is when you examine some of the results from the 2009-2013 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, U.S. Census; and look at the state by state median incomes, the results are startling.
When you average the median incomes of states controlled by republican governors or republican controlled state legislatures, the average median income for those thirty states is (rounded off ) $49,100. When you average the median incomes of states controlled by democratic governors or democratic controlled legislatures, the average median income for those twenty states (excluding the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico) is (rounded off ) $59,400 Note: Click on Visualization icon or Table icon located on home page, for median incomes of states. Median Income by State.
This includes 4 of the 20 democratic controlled states below $53,046 compared to 25 of the 30 republican states below $53,046. Nine (9) democratic controlled states have a median income of over $61,000 compared to one (1) republican state. Republican controlled Mississippi has an abysmal median state income of $39,031 the lowest of the fifty states.
The low median income in these republican controlled states is further exasperated for poor and middle-class families--because republican governors or state legislatures have refused to accept Medicaid expansion provided for by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
Republicans can complain about Donald Trump, but the other republican candidates and the Republican Party in general are a refection of Trump. Donald Trump is the racist, sexist and discriminatory republican chicken that has come home to roost—and the Republican Party has no clue about what to do. Great for Democrats!